Isla de Relaxacione
Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? Our boat ride over to Isla de Ometepe made our butts soar and our stomachs moan. We actually were thrown out of our seats many times as we rocked across Lago Nicaragua. The Isle de Ometepe is made up of two volcanoes joined after an eruption created and isthmus of lava connecting the two. Our first stop on the island was on Playa Venecia where we swam in the lake at sunset until the tho
ught of the world's only fresh water sharks swimming with us brought us to the shore. We travelled around the island from beach to beach watching monkeys hanging by their tails feeding in the trees right out the bus window at eye-level. We hiked 1km up the side of the smaller Volcano, Volcan Madera, where we stayed in a farm house on a working coffee plantation (Finca Magdalena). The Finca was surrounded by trails through pastures and gardens leading to petroglyphs from 300AD. Our first day we
began an assent up the volcano and came accross a few Howlers passing overhead. We stopped to observe and noticed more were on their way. Nick decided to get a closer look and, like a monkey himself, climbed up a tree. As he looked up the Holwers began to crowd around the very tree that he was in. Several families, including 3 babies (so cute!), were all inspecting this new monkey while he in turn inspected them. All in all, about 15 Howlers and 1 homosapien hung out in one
tree for a good hour. Our most incredible monkey encounter yet!Our final stay on the island was at the family run, Hostel Monkey Island. We relaxed in hammocks, swam in the lake, and made a failed attempt at paddling in the family canoe (actually a small hollowed out log) across to Monkey Island. Instead we played with our new friend Kiko. This little 1 year old White-faced Capuchin was a bundle of fun. It cuddled, pick-pocketed and explored our bodies. A monkey actually picked NickĀ“s nose and ate it!! We then took the 2 1/2 hour bus ride back around the 30kms of rocky,
muddy, potholed
roads (more butt pain) back to the dock and headed off the island exhausted from so much relaxing.Adios!More Pics:
hi guys!
looks like you are having an AMAZING time, the pictures look awesome...and so do your tans! thinking of you over the holidays, we missed you this past weekend (nicky i had my best bowling game EVER, and you know how much I suck so this is a big deal!) we'll raise a glass for you on new year's and think about you f*ckers while we freeze our bums off here :)
be safe & take good care of each other!
mellie xox
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