Monkey Hut

After only a short stay in Honduras, we made our way to Nicaragua. We arrived at our hotel in Granada to find that it was quite luxurious for our normal backpacking standards. There is a beautiful little pool, free
internet, movies, tea and coffee and rooms surrounding a
plant-filled courtyard with hammocks, all for only $9 each, which is expensive by Central American standards. So, we have been truly enjoying the life for a few days. Yesterday we took a trip to the nearby Laguna de Apoyo. It is an old volcano crater filled with warm water and the surrounding rim is full of lush jungle. We spent the day swimming, innertubing, kayaking, and just relaxing in the tranquility. We woke up with the sun and took a walk down the road in search of Howler monkeys. Nick
has perfected his howl and communicated enough with his fellow monkeys so that we could follow their howel to find them. Just off the side of the road was a group of Mantled Howler monkeys (with brown backs). We bushwacked our way towards them and found ourselves just below their tree in time for their morning calls.As can be seen our time in Nicaraugua has been quite strenuous so far, so we are heading towards Isla de Ometepe on Lago de 
Nicaragua for a little relaxation. Adios
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