The Last Hora

We took some time out of our hectic scheduals to unwind in a tiny town Huakachina, on an oasis in the middle of 100km2 of dessert. Then it was off to "poor man's Galapagos". As we approached the islands off the coast of Peru, they appeared to be black. Yet as we drew closer the amazing site of millions of birds covering every inch of the rocky formations unfolded before us. Most incredibly and unlikely was the site of penguins! Yet another shoking site tucked away on small beaches of the islands, were hundreds of sea lion lounging and barking loudly or playing in the water. We then made our last stop of the trip off the coast of Venezuela at a group of small sandy keys, Los Roques. This national park holds some of the pretiest beaches in all the world surrounded by crystal clear waters and a huge ammount of coral reef. The sun and fun was breathtakingly beautiful and the perfect end (if there must be one) to our great gringo journey.