Machu Picchu
We found ourselves on the coldest part of journey, La Paz, Bolivia. We went form sea level and 32C to 4000m and as Talia puts it "f`n cold". Despite enjoying the Bolivian people and culture, our trip was winding down so we crossed the border into Peru to visit Lake Titicaca. A short boat ride from Puno floats an island made completely from reeds. We went out to visit the Uros people who built these islands to escape the
Inca empire
and now live a unique lifestyle. Their houses, boats and everything including the groud itself is made from the reeds of Lake Titicaca. Next it was up the road to Peru`s historic and touristic centre, Cuzco. It is home to the most famous of all Inca ruins, Machu Picchu and is the most visited spot in South America. As w
e travelled through
the Sacred Valley from Cuzco to Machu Picchu, the mountains were scattered with remnants of the Inca civillization. At 5:30 am we accended through the clouds, arriving at Machu Picchu with only a handful of others to have this mystic place to ourselves. We began to tour the ruins through the mist, only seeing what lay directly infront of us. As the morning mist lifted, the beauty and majesty of the ancient city unfolded before our eyes. The city is perched high up between dramatic green peaks towering over plunging valleys to a river flowing almost completely around the site hundreds of metres below. Looking down upon the city and its surrounding beauty, it was obvious why the Incas chose this secluded and wonderous site.Adios amigos(more pictures to come)
Bye, Bye Brazil

Carnival ended and we went is search of sleep. Little did we know that even in the little beach towns the celebrations continued long after the festival officially ended and sleep is not to be had. We stayed in the town of Praia de
Forte where there is a major sea turtle conservation project. We visited the turtle station and saw every species of sea turtle, including babies with shells the size of a quarter to turtles a monsterous 2 metres long. They were weird, clumsy, prehistoric and cute. After, it was off to the "ciudade marvalloso", Rio. Rio de Jeneiro is on the Atlantic ocean with tropical islands in the distance. It has wide, white sand beaches and is backed by a huge lush forest, green hills a
nd mou
ntains. Next to Vancouver, it really is the most beautiful city in the world. We soaked up the city scene and people watched by strolling the famous Copacabana and Ipanima beaches, were we stumbled upon a fashion show on the beach with a live samba
percussion band. There is just no getting away from the music in Brazil. We also went up the largest mountain in Rio to see the famous "Christ the Redeemer" who watches over the city from high above. As we got to the top, clouds began to roll in and completely engulf the giant statue. We stood directly infront of it without being able to see it. The experience turned magical as the clouds parted for a few seconds and we gasped as Jesus appeared to float out of the clouds as if coming down from heaven. This was the end of an amazing month and-a-half in Brazil. The weather so good, the people so nice and the culture and music so rich.Tchau for now.